Tuesday, April 13, 2010

High School Science Research Topics?

I'm studying H3 in the Philippines, with an advanced knowledge in Biology. I am now studying General Chemistry 2, and we are supposed to search for a good research topic in our Research class, more preferably, a research %26amp; development kind of topic. Please suggest doable topics, as I am only in high school, and resources in our school are scarce... :)

It is much better if the topic has something to do with helping the Filipino community (ex. in disasters, oil spills)

Please help me... Thanks a lot!!!

P.S. We are grouped into threes only... :D

High School Science Research Topics?
You could look to younger children in your research. Like, for example, talk to your school about gathering a group of children and discuss the importance of art in your community, the types of art that they can name and then share in a project with them. Your research would be just that plus, focusing on how children need art to develop.

You could also start a small group of students your own age and create a city-wide clean up. You'll be discussing the problems that pollution and litter create for the earth and cleaning up your community while they learn.

Talk with other students at your school about what kind of challenges they face growing up, school, community, etc. Your research could turn out to be positive for many kids who just needed someone to talk to about their problems. The community may also discover that many children have the same concerns about their own community. Also, what make them happy? What types of things do they love about living in your community.

Personally, I really like the suggestion about gathering a group of kids to discuss pollution and litter. Not to mention, your group would probably be in the spotlight for doing such a great thing - it would also encourage others to follow suit. You could even talk to "higher-ups" in your community about starting something like a "Yard of the month" award. It would encourage everyone to clean their own place up a bit more!

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