Monday, April 26, 2010

What techniques can be used to select pertinent info. from related literature for your research topic?

Are there certain steps to consider when looking for topic-related information in related literature?

What techniques can be used to select pertinent info. from related literature for your research topic?
Synonymy/ hyponomy, Classification / reclassification, and Scale are some of the key concepts you should consider.

Synonymy is identification, what is something called. So you start out by searching for the key words for your topic.

Hyponomy is inclusion, what is things are associated with each other. Survey the results of your key word search to see what words can logically embrace or include other words. For example the words sister, daughter, mother can be included under female.

Classification is grouping objects based on a criteria or set of criterion. From the example above, you can make a group called female consisting of sister, daughter, mother.

Reclassification is changing the original grouping by changing the criteria. From the example above, you can reclassify the group by generation: First generation = mother, who might have a sister; Second generation = daughter, who might also have a sister. In this reclassification, you can see there is a potential for confusion with the term to tell on type from the other. So one possible solution is to create new identities....Aunt and cousin or examples of some possibilities.

Scale is the size or level / degree of detail. (I think you can see that from the examples above.)

One way to use scale is to examine the degree of relationship between the topics you find. This can be done by examining how direct or indirect (in math we examine independent / dependent variables). So examine the key topics you find for the logical ties...which must happen before the other. And, would you believe, this then helps you define how "pertinent" one topic is to another.

Hope this helps you. Best wishes in your studies.
Reply:Thanks very much! :-) Report Abuse

Reply:You're welcome very much. Glad you found it helpful! Report Abuse

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