Monday, April 26, 2010

How do I look up topics(hotels) for a research paper?

Finding a research topic is probably the hardest thing to do. Hotels? I'm not sure if I understand your question, but if you want to do a research paper on hotels, you must develop a thesis statements. To do this, you have to gather alot of background information, on either one hotel, or a group of hotels. Then, begin asking questions like: how did hotels orginate? What are some misconceptions about hotels? Then, develop a thesis statement: Hotels through out American history, have played a signficant role in the development of the country. (I'm not sure if it is) Then what you need to do is go back threw all of that information you looked up, and give supporting details. The most important part is that you are able to support your thesis statement, becuase if you do, there should be no reason why you don't get an A+ on your paper.

Have fun! Research papers are a great way to learn new things :)

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