I need a research topic that has to be 1200 to 1500 words for my Composition 1 class. Can y'all help me PLEASE!!!! I have already lost 10% out of 35% of my grade just because I don't know what I want to do. Here are things that interest me, Education, Family matters and religion.
Hi, I am a freshman in college and I need help to find a topic to research on?
i am a freshman in college too and my just finished my research paper. d topic i wrote on was "what is in a name?" then i went on to define a name and how names affect one's life and destiny eg jabez in the Bible, i also gave a scientist's research that sometimes pple dont get call backs bcos of their name ie if they have funny sounding names etc...
ps wen i got my paper back i got a 98% which was d highest grade in my class
if you dont wanna do that then u can do heroes....define a hero and mention d types of heroes we have ie real and imaginary. under real we have religious heroes likeJesus Christ , ghandi, john wesley,Mother Theresa, then we have human rights heroes like Martin Luther king, movies heroes like james bond, everyday heroes like soldiers, firemen etc under imaginary we have superman, spidey, hercules etc after that u then go on to mention ur favorite hero and y u like them. if u r a christian then u should talk about Jesus and y u like him but if u r not then talk about the god u believe in and y u tink that person is ur hero. and in conclusion u say what differentiates ur favorite heros from all these other heroes ie the unique qualities in them that d other heores dont have
hope i helped, if u need more help u can send me an email---%26gt; flakyskybabe@yahoo.com
Reply:Write about differences in perspectives between muslim and christian descriptions on wikipedia.org.
Reply:With the election upcoming, you could look at some of the important issues involved with that. Some of the issues that also may tie in with some of your interest include, but aren't limited to: abortion, gay-marriage, or the right of pharmacists to refuse to fill birth control px's. For religion you could look at why terrorists uses their religion as a defense of their attacks against various nations and governments.
Or maybe if the way that university put more wieght on miniority students' applications is legal or not?
Reply:I had the similar assignment last year
the topic I chose was "Praying in public schools. why it is not allowed?" u can really find a lot of information about it, u can use quotes from constitution, about the church and state separation u can find some infromation on the internet and there are a lot of books that u can use as a source. In my essay I also included a controversy about using the word "God" in the pledge of allegiance and how parents who are unreligious feel about it. it's a really broad topic, u can write a very interesting paper about it.
Reply:do something that is unique, willl interest you and others, and you will have plents to say about.for example....teen drinking,teen pregnancy, drug abuse, uuuhhh idk ya know stuff that everyone is interested it these days
Reply:Religion - Pick any religion that interests you and research it. To name a few different religions/beliefs, Buddhism, Wicca, Jehovah Witness, Mormons, Catholicism etc. You can research when the religion began, what types of practices each has etc.
Reply:you can write about how TV impacts a child's mind. scary movies scare them, cartoons make them happy etc.
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