Sunday, November 15, 2009

What are some good topics for a research paper I have to be able to get enough info on it for 8 pages?

it cant be on aids abortion or gay marriage or any other over research topic

What are some good topics for a research paper I have to be able to get enough info on it for 8 pages?
Check out They have some great topics that I've used in the past. Each topic has three good sources to get you started on the research, too.
Reply:What class is it for? What grade are you in/how old are you? Any constraints at all?

How about:

The Occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973

The Effects of Minimum Wage Increases

Comparison between Haida Indian Mythology and Greek Mythology

Terrorist Attacks on US Interests throughout history

Are Muslims Really Violent?

Hunting: A View of Both Sides

Does the Lottery/Casinos Hurt the Poor and Ignorant?

School Shootings in America...Why?

Navy Seabees...The First Ones Into Battle...or What Do They Do?

George Bush: Friend, Foe, or Just Stupid

The Coast Guard: The Unsung Heros

Ale-8-One: How did they survive the soda wars?

The sky is the limit on research papers. With the internet now a days, they are easier than ever.

Find something that interests you and go with it. Is there a major local business that is sucessful? Give the President or CEO a call and ask to speak with them. Write a paper on what makes them successful in business.

The main thing is to work on a topic you are interested in. You'll find more than enough information to come up with 8 papers.
Reply:It would depend on what sort of class it is for. It sounds like a social sciences class, from the examples you've given. Also, I am assuming that you can give an opinion of some sort.

Okay, here are some ideas:

How the welfare system provides an incentive for people to continue to use its services.

Genetically modified foods and the effect they may have on society for better or worse

Mass media and how people view either: themselves, others, buying stuff, how it affects their goals, what people choose to watch on tv and why....I'm brainstorming here.
Reply:The effects of social standing on the availability of higher education.

In other words- if you can't afford a higher education because you are poor- what are the effects on the individual? More victims of crime? Less opportunities? Less pay? More poor people in prison?
Reply:I did some this past semester on:

The evolution of childrens programming and its impact on young viewers,

The Gilded Age of American politics,

Why the Crusades were a success,

Evolution of Jazz music

Good luck, and make sure it is a topic that you are interested in and then you will have no problem with the page requirement.
Reply:How can it be a research paper if you can't do research on the paper? Do you have to like pull information out your a-s-s? Ask your teacher for more details!
Reply:Write a paper about Hildegarde of Bingen. I'm in college and I managed to get 10 pages out of that one because there's so much out there about her life and work and she did so much. If you have to have a topic and not a person, why not write about the actual role and impact of the United Nations on the world throughout its history? You could do a paper on what led up to the civil war in Darfur, Sudan and the current situation there. How about the ways the United States is caring for injured Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, how this is being paid for, and if enough is being done for these men and women? I did a seven minute presentation on the different ways divorce effects children at different ages this past semester, that could probably get you 8 pages if you use plenty of resources. You could write about the impacts of global climate change (if that's not too over-researched for you). There are plenty of good ideas out there if you look for them. If none of these caught your eye, then think about what you're interested in, how much information there would be out there about those things, and what you can do with it. Good luck! Open-topic papers are kind of a pain.

King Henry VIII-One of my faves to read about. He had many wives and his children were devious. He could easily fill 8 pages

Any other famous person from history-Washintogn, Columbus

The history of Coca Cola- I easily wrote a 6 page paper on this.

The history of any major thing or item like foot ball or basket ball.

There are just so many.......

Good Luck!!!
Reply:From what perspective? Sociology, history, political science?

If you're concerned about getting enough material for an 8 page paper, I'll assume you are a freshman. so here's a hint. Go to your university library website and go to the searchaeble databases. Pick one that is in the field your studying and enter the search terms (you can also use a general database such as Academic Search Premire--which is one of the best out there.

When you get a list of articles, read some of the abstracts (these will be shorte--1-300 words) and after reading a few you should have some ideas for a specific topic. Try to focus on things that strike your interest--a paper is always better if you are actuallly interested in the topic. This way of finding a topic will also give you a head start on doing the actual research for the paper.
Reply:Storing Nuclear waste in Yucca Mountain

Global Warming-true or false

Effect of over fishing n the world's oceans

Are Hybrid Cars worth the cost?\
Reply:i think it should be on the effects of aids on gay abortion patients.

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