Monday, November 16, 2009

Help me with my research topic. i need both quantitative and qualitative topics.?

please give me some suggestions of topic for both quantitative and qualitative research. help me please. tq

Help me with my research topic. i need both quantitative and qualitative topics.?
Qualitative research involves analysis of data such as words (e.g., from interviews), pictures (e.g., video), or objects (e.g., an artifact), while quantitative research involves analysis of numerical data.

Qualitative research - recent (or within the 20th century) history/politics --%26gt; through oral interviews, etc., social history, human behavior

Quantitative research - surveys, market research

Questions to ask:

Research with Subjects (Quantitative)

1. What do I know about a problem that will allow me to formulate and test a hypothesis?

2. What concepts can I use to test this hypothesis?

3. How can I operationally define these concepts?

4. What scientific theory can explain the data?

5. How can I interpret the results and report them in the language of my colleagues?

Research with Informants (Qualitative)

1. What do my informants know about their culture that I can discover?

2. What concepts do my informants use to classify their experiences?

3. How do my informants define these concepts?

4. What folk theory do my informants use to explain their experience?

5. How can I translate the cultural knowledge of my informants into a cultural description my colleagues will understand?

More info on qualitative research:

More info on quantitative research:

tooth bleaching

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