Sunday, November 15, 2009

Math Research??? gimme some ideas and topics plzz?

I've never done math research before...what is a good math research topic for a college freshman to earn honors credit?

It is a calculus honors course...What I am thinking now are history of a popular mathematician, history of a foundation of a particular math topic..etc...what is your opinion? thanks so much

Math Research??? gimme some ideas and topics plzz?
Abel's Impossibility Theorem is interesting. It's about how quintic equations (x^5 +... ) and higher order polynomials equations can't be solved using general equation involving radicals. Like how there is a quadratic equation exists for second-order polynomials, but there does not exist such a general equation. There's a book on it, but I didn't quite understand some parts.

Maybe write out a history and an explanation as to how the proof works. I think it's pretty interesting as to why it starts at 5. Seems like a pretty arbitrary number...
Reply:I would pick a topic from analysis, like the darboux integral, or maybe an interesting function like sin(1/x). what's the limit as x goes to zero?

Lotsa neat stuff in chaos theory

how about the two and only two cardinalities of infinite sets?

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