Monday, May 4, 2009

Interesting research topics related to geography?

I'm planning to do extra credit work for my geography teacher. She gave me a topic concerning the connection between geography and history and told me that I can decide if I want to do it or I have other topics in mind. I thought the topic is ok, but I would like to see if there are more interesting topics. Maybe something that ties with U.S or current news...

Interesting research topics related to geography?
Sounds interesting... the first thing that comes to mind is whether and how much the Federal Government should spend re-building the most devastated portions of New Orleans after Katrina.

There's a section of the city that will probably always suffer hurricane damage. Does it make sense to keep pouring money into this area? Does the geographical area offer a reasonable opportunity for steady tax revenues? Can people live there safely or will the government repeatedly be expected to evacuate residents when weather turns foul and they have no means of moving to higher ground...

Hope this is useful!
Reply:Look at how military bases have been established across the country over time and how that relates to America's growth first across the continent and then its power abroad.

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